Destroyed church
The challenges continue as we work for the past, present and future… We work for the past - to repair an infrastructure that was broken long before the earthquake. We work for the present – treating our many patients, some presenting with new injuries, babies being born, and Jan 12 trauma that is becoming increasingly difficult to operate now 4 weeks out. We work for the future – laying the foundation for a long term top quality orthopaedic and rehab program at Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti.
Hôpital Adventiste d’Haiti (HAH) has a strong reputation in the community and is known throughout
Previous condition of patient rooms
Renovated post operative area
Organized anesthesia equipment
We continue to treat orthopaedic injuries some new, some now 4 weeks old. In addition to orthopaedics the emergency department, pediatric and
Boys in front of Hopital Adventiste d'Haiti
Patient awaiting prostheses
The orthopaedic needs of this country were great before the quake and now they are even greater. Thousands of people will be suffering for years into the future from the injuries that occurred last month. This represents an opportunity and responsibility to lead the way with a quality orthopaedic and rehab program which will provide services otherwise not available in this country. This will likely involve some additional construction with extra OR space, orthotics and prosthetics lab, rehab center and inpatient and outpatient areas. The key factor however, for a long term program is having long term professionals who are willing to make a life sacrifice to teach, build relationships and be here on the ground for more than a few weeks or months at a time. The human and economic resources may seem great, but the sacrifices of our forefathers years ago in establishing this institution were no less significant. And we should not let our minds be limited to what can only be accomplished by menial sacrifice, but hold forth a vision that involves giving our best to these deserving people.