CURE International
Centro de Ortopedia y Especialidades
Francia esq Leopoldo Navarro 129
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
We are located "en frente el Palacio de la Policia" in Gazcue. For those arriving from outside the capital this is just across Av. 27 Febrero from the Caribe Tours bus terminal.
Orthopedic clinics are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9-3.
Neurosurgery clinic is on Wednesday afternoons.
General Surgery clinic is on Tuesday.
Pediatrician is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Initial consultation is $150 RD for children and $500 RD for adults. X-rays and lab are extra. No appointment is necessary and patients are seen in the order of arrival time.
If a private appointment is desired with Dr. Nelson the charge is $1500 RD (plus x-ray and lab if needed). Please call to schedule.
For further questions please call 809-682-5022 or email scottnelson@mail.com.