We must remember that Nehemiah also faced a daunting and seemingly impossible task. With God's help he succeeded. The walls of Jerusalem needed to be rebuilt after years of lying in ruins, but the obstacles seemed insurmountable. “Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands,” he cried out. Nehemiah was a man of prayer and he was a man of action. How long did it take to accomplish this great work that some had said was impossible? Just fifty-two days.
Then the people came to the dedication of the wall and they sang together:
“O give thanks unto the Lord,
For He is good:
For His mercy endureth for ever!”
God is indeed good and He is still with us. As He said to those who were laboring to re-build the temple “Be strong, O Zerubbabel,… and be strong O Joshua…; and be strong, all ye people of the land,… and work: for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:4
With prayer and action there are still great things to be accomplished.
The "Rebuilders" - Dan Patchin MD - Supplies Chief (L), Bob the Builder (C), and Jerry Northrop - Facilities chief(R). These are some of the silent heroes of HAH, and even if it is taking them more than 52 days to rebuild the infrastructure of Haiti there is no doubt that God is their leader and that great things are being accomplished.