Once again we return from another busy week at the Justinien University Hospital in Cap Haitien. As usual we had a busy clinic on Monday evaluating all types of problems many of which are rare and challenging. The following 4 days and nights are filled with operations. We come prepared to treat just about anything in spite of the relatively primitive conditions. Most of the patients we treat have no other options and would often be left to a life of disability. Even after many experiences in Haiti the people and the conditions encountered leave one in awe of the human suffering and motivate each one of us to try and do more.
Due to the regularity of our trips every 3 months we are able to provide relatively reliable follow up care in addition to what the local doctors help us with. It was exciting to see Chantale the 6 year old girl who previously was unable to stand up straight due to severe burns that she suffered after sitting on a kerosene lantern when she was 4 years old. During our last trip she was operated and her hip flexion contractures are resolved. She awaits release of her right shoulder and elbow on our next trip March 8, 2010.
A special thanks to Dr. Wade Faerber (orthopaedic surgeon), Dr. Matt Klima (orthopaedic resident), Dave Tunon (Synthes) and Andy Magan (anesthetist) who came from California to participate in this trip along with Dr. Scott Nelson and the CURE Dominicana team.